Site Map (Alphabetical)
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- About Us
Information about Gene Macri who runs and operates fly fishing for brook trout.
- Brook Trout Ecology
The ecology of a brook trout including classification, biology, descripiton, reproduction and stream parameters.
- Brook Trout Fly Fishing Gear
The fly fishing equipment needed for brook trout fly fishing including reels, rods, lines and flies.
- Brook Trout Fly Patterns
Brook trout fly patterns that work in fly fishing.
- Brook Trout Studies
Scientfic studies on brook trout including population, genetics, survival and competition.
- Brook Trout: Growth and Survival
Scientific studies of survival, growth and population rates of brook trout from around the world.
- Brook Trout:Temperature and Thermal Limits
Scientific studies on brook trout which show the temperature range they are best suited for.
- Contact Us
Contacts for information, guiding, or instruction at fly fishing for brook trout.
- Eastern Brook Trout Venture
Gene Macri aquatic and environmental scientist works on the Eastern Brook Trout Venture.
- Eastern Brook Trout Venture: Destined to Failure
Problems with the eastern brook trout venture.
- Fly Fishing For Brook Trout
The world's premier site for fly fishing for brook trout including methods, equipment, techniques, ecology, scientfic studies and guiding and instruction
- Freestone Brookies
Fly fishing for brook trout in streams, lakes and ponds.
- Guiding and Instruction
Fly fishing for brook trout instruction and guiding.
- Privacy
We respect your privacy at fly fishing for brook trout.
- Resource Links
Fly fishing links and resources for fly fishermen and brook trout fishing.
- Spring Creek Brookies
Fly fishing for brook trout on spring creeks including Pennsylvania.