Wild Brook Trout

Eugene Macri

Fly Fisherman, Aquatic and Environmental Scientist and Researcher


I hope you enjoy this site and get something good out of it. I've been fly fishing for over 40 years and we will leave it at that! Since I was very young man I've been casting a fly rod and turning over rocks in streams to see what those fish were feeding on. What I've seen in the last 30 plus years saddens me greatly. We are losing. We are losing our streams and rivers and no one seems to really care from the fishing industry to the so called environmental groups. More money is wasted on studies which amount to nothing in both the scientific and political arena than I would care to mention.

Most environmental organizations have sold out and fly fishing groups like Trout Unlimited and the Federation of Fly Fisherman have their own problems and are basically out manned and out gunned going up against corporate America and government that is owned by the polluters.

This site is about brook trout fly fishing and everything that goes with it. Contrary to what many have said you can't separate the fishing from the ecology because it will hit you right in the face the next time you go out.

As many of you know you can find out more about me at www.eugenemacri.com or www.riverandgamekeeper.org. You can also stop at my super site: www.flyfisher.com. Yes, I do give fly fishing instruction and guiding and there are few people like me who are both a scientist and professional fly fisherman. I am also available for seminars, class instructions and speaking engagements. Just drop me a line and have your group or club join me in fighting for brook trout and all trout as well as our the protection of our streams and rivers.


You can contact me in three different ways:

  1. By email: gene(at) use form below
  2. By email: gene(at)eugenemacri.com
  3. By email: gene(at)flyfisher.com

Please note you need to type in the address instead of just clicking on it. Just replace (at )with@. We do this so spammers won't harvest the emails by scripts and flood us.

You can also contact me by postal mail:

Eugene Macri

Box 877

Waynesboro PA 17268

And if necessary by phone at: 717-762-9750; just leave a message we will return you call as soon as we can.


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tight Lines,




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